
Changements d'Etat d'Esprit et de Compétences pour de Nouveaux Niveaux de Leadership

Entering a new role means moving into a new “gear” – shifting from a prior way of operating to a new way. We have a resource available for you to prepare your leaders for new roles.  For several years, we have been helping leaders implement a Leadership Pipeline Process (LPP) in their countries. An effective

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De Nouvelles Ressources pour les Leaders d'Equipe

Team Leaders are doing extra work during this COVID-19 pandemic. So much of the way we work and do ministry has changed. Team members are facing challenges of health fears, decision fatigue, isolation, stay-at-home and lock down orders, craziness at home and new home-schooling responsibilities, and much more. We have never been through anything like

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Prescriptions Clés de Développement (PCD) qui « ÉTENDENT »

Key Development Assignments (KDAs) are a key element in our Position Focus conversations, the Staff Development Cycle and our Leadership Pipeline Process. We also call KDAs “STRETCH” assignments”. Here is a creative and helpful explanation of what that means.  S – Specific and Strategic – Developmental assignments should be laser focused. What exactly do you want

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Comment faire un Excellent Travail de Développement des membres de votre équipe

As a team leader, you know how important it is to develop the members on your team. Developing your team members is an intentional, high priority part of your role as the team leader. The best way to do this is to have regular, individual conversations with each of the people on your team. These

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Nouvelle session 1.10 du Développement théologique disponible pour la formation des Nouveaux Equipiers

Eric Schlottman from the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Area has generously created a session for 1.10 Theological Development. As you may remember, a specific theological content was not developed because the resources vary so greatly from Area to Area. However, Eric and team felt it would still be helpful to have a basic session for that topic.[/caption]

Nouvelle session 1.10 du Développement théologique disponible pour la formation des Nouveaux Equipiers Lire Plus »

Formation des Nouveaux Equipiers et des Volontaires pour la Grande Commission

How can we recruit and train more people to be involved in the Great Commission? During the Global Leadership Conference (GLC) this past summer, the LDHR leaders identified key SHIFTS we need to make to achieve our 2020 goal of 10 million multiplying disciples. The first two of those SHIFTS are greater spiritual dependence and a volunteer friendly

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Se Préparer à Faciliter une Session de la formation des Nouveaux Equipiers

Would you like to ensure your New Staff learn and apply their training in the best way possible?  The following are nine tips we’ve gathered from conversations with trainers around the world. 1.  Ask questions. Chee Yee (Area LDHR in East Asia) suggests these: Did I pray? What is the main point of the session? What is my

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Quatre Clés pour une Formation Excellente

by Benson Maina These key elements were confirmed while leading the New Staff Training in Kenya from August 2015 – May 2016. Preparing for the Training – I am indebted to the two Africa-wide NST Trainers trainings (in Harare and Nairobi). The materials given to us, the power points, the leader’s Guidebook, Orientation Manual and other notes have

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Comment Contextualiser la Formation des Nouveaux Equipiers

The Global New Staff Training was designed with a Sample Curriculum that includes head, heart, and hands elements for each of the 39 Outcomes. Each country or Area is encouraged to add outcomes and/or adjust the sample sessions for cultural, MCC, or other needs specific to their context.Here is a great post from Barb Brown

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Formation des Nouveaux Equipiers et Formations des Formateurs de la Zone LAC

New Staff really do represent the future of our movement, and to see their eagerness to learn and their enthusiastic participation is a great encouragement. We recently completed a four-day Trainers’ Training session in Panama for 17 trainers from nine countries in our Area (Panama, Venezuela, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Chile). This

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Coach. Coaching. Approche de coaching. Que me demande-t-on de faire ?

By Karen Zando As a new staff trainer you have been entrusted to develop a new staff member. This will require that you fulfill the role of Coach as it is described in the Leadership Framework. You must 1) prepare and equip the new staff member to pursue the mission, 2) ensure the new staff

Coach. Coaching. Approche de coaching. Que me demande-t-on de faire ? Lire Plus »

Groupes de Coaching pour la Formation des Formateurs

Coaching groups are a powerful addition to a NST Trainers Training event. They are a great place to process questions and practice the learning content. Coaching groups serve various important purposes: They help the participants/trainers to get to know each other better. They create a interactive, peer learning community. They provide a great opportunity to increase skills

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Adaptabilité et Flexibilité pour le Ministère Catalytique

Andrea Buczynski, Terry Morgan and I recently met with Roger Osbaldiston, VP of Student-Led Movements (SLM). We wanted to learn more about his dreams, goals and challenges for SLM, specifically related to New Staff Training and catalytic ministry. “The gospel for every student, a movement for every campus, and leaders for every nation” is the

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Les Grandes Équipes ne Sont pas Accidentelles

by Andrea Buczynski A team is a group of people committed to a common purpose who choose to cooperate in order to achieve exceptional results. Pat MacMillan Certainly, when we think about “movements everywhere” and helping to fulfill the Great Commission, the need for teams and partnerships is obvious. The practical necessity of teams is so clear; yet the development

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