Prescription Clé de Développement

Changements d'Etat d'Esprit et de Compétences pour de Nouveaux Niveaux de Leadership

Entering a new role means moving into a new “gear” – shifting from a prior way of operating to a new way. We have a resource available for you to prepare your leaders for new roles.  For several years, we have been helping leaders implement a Leadership Pipeline Process (LPP) in their countries. An effective […]

Changements d'Etat d'Esprit et de Compétences pour de Nouveaux Niveaux de Leadership Lire Plus »

Prescriptions Clés de Développement (PCD) qui « ÉTENDENT »

Key Development Assignments (KDAs) are a key element in our Position Focus conversations, the Staff Development Cycle and our Leadership Pipeline Process. We also call KDAs “STRETCH” assignments”. Here is a creative and helpful explanation of what that means.  S – Specific and Strategic – Developmental assignments should be laser focused. What exactly do you want

Prescriptions Clés de Développement (PCD) qui « ÉTENDENT » Lire Plus »

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