LDHR 블로그

Women’s Stories

Overcoming Fear of Failure

(Français ci-dessous) Growing up as the oldest child in a very strict background, I had such great fear of failure or making mistakes, big or

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Women’s Stories

Surprised by Suffering

(Español abajo) For a long time, I avoided physical and emotional pain. Studying medicine taught me more deeply that the body, mind, and spirit are

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Women’s Stories

How did I get here?

(*Россия внизу) The Women’s Conference was a week away, and I panicked. I wasn’t confident my proposed topic would resonate with the participants. I had

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Women’s Stories

My Scar Has a Story

(Español abajo) It excites me to see lives surrendered and transformed by the love of Jesus. Lives committed to seeking Him with a heart of

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리더십 전략

A Simpler Pipeline

Let’s face it. It’s been a bit tricky. Many of us have started down the road of the Leadership Pipeline Process but have gotten a

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Career Path Planning

We recently completed a five-week Career Path Planning Workshop with 62 staff from 24 countries registered. Our objectives were to help staff walk through the

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리더십 과정들

Learning from Transitions

Do you like change? Some of us enjoy the variety and newness of change; others dislike the disruption and uncertainty it brings. Some of us

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Put your shoes on

I didn’t always like walking. Walking felt slow when I was young and free-spirited. I believed I could accomplish more if I ran! Rushing from

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Getting the Most out of Assessments

Self-awareness seems increasingly essential these days. While most people believe they are self-aware, studies and our experience reveal that self-awareness is a rare trait. Research

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강력하고 목적있는 습관들

그 이후로 하루도 책을 다 읽지 못했습니다. 얼마나 걸릴지 알 수도 없었습니다. 그럼에도 저는 여유가 있는 토요일 선선히 부는 바람을 맞으며 조용한 시간을 가졌습니다.

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리더십 전략

SDC 실행을 위한 조언

**권리포기: 일부 사람들은 이 블로그가 논란이 될 수 있다고 생각할 수 있습니다; 만약 그렇다면, 미리 용서를 구합니다. 만약 리더가 더 많은 것을 배우기 위해 당신을 찾았다면.

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리더십 관리

The Return of Wellbeing

Just over a hundred years ago, UK chocolate manufacturers Cadbury’s and Rowntree (and a few others) formed what was probably the first-ever association to oversee

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가르칠 때와 코치할 때

당신이 다른 사람들을 가르친다면, 가르쳐야 할 때와 코치해야 할 때는 아는 것은 매우 중요하다. 이는 가장 일반적인...

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대화의 다른 유형

지난 몇 주 동안, 우리는 리더들로부터 어떻게 그들이 팀원들에게 "지위에 집중하기(Position Focus)"에 접근하고 있는지에 대한 지혜를 모으고 있습니다. 우리는..

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리더십 개발

Entitlement vs Generosity

This heart-searching post comes from Dan Higgins. As he processed his own transition, he wrote to other leaders who are experiencing and leading change. Dear

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Many Ways to Train

Life changes, and we must change with it. For a long time, we had only one style of new staff training: a year-long, full-time classroom

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Leaders are Learners

I receive a great newsletter from Jay Lorenzen called Life and Leadership. Last month, the topic was “Leaders are Learners”. He wrote some great ideas,

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The Plans of a Leader

Roger Osbaldiston, from the Global Student Led Movements team, sent this message in his recent newsletter with excellent ideas and motivation for strategic planning (the

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New Staff in Mongolia!

I love receiving newsletter and updates from those of you who are committed to New Staff Training around the world! Today I heard from Saiina

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Resources for You

DIRECTION SETTER | CHANGE AGENT | SPOKESPERSON | COACH/DEVELOPER How does the Leadership Framework apply to my day-to-day life and work? How can I grow and

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Spiritual Formation

(It is a great privilege to introduce you to Ray Wheeler’s guest post. He was one of my MA professors at Azusa Pacific, and I

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Who are your friends?

“Who are your friends?” is the first question Dave Dishman (author of “GO”) asks when he visits team leaders. I wondered why he did not

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Listening Beyond Words

“How do I ask powerful questions?” People ask this question frequently. I sense they hope I will provide a formula or, better yet, a list

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The Heart of the Matter

Marc Rutter has often said, “The heart of the matter is that leadership is a matter of the heart.” In one translation of the Bible, “heart”

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NST launches in Spain!

After years of hard work, translation, and planning, we celebrate with Garrick Roegner, Debra Groff, Shelly Gilmore, Ruth McNeill, and other Western Europe staff as

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Team Leader Trainings

It is great to hear stories of successful Team Leader Trainings around the world! Thanks to Western Europe and Southeast Asia Areas for sharing these

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Speaking the truth in love

There will be many opportunities to praise the New Staff’s work and progress, but there will also be times to question them and challenge them

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Raise up leaders!

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you have too much to do? Are you wondering how to make more progress towards the mission? Those are common

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Leaders are Readers!

One key characteristic of healthy and fruitful leaders is life-long learning. We have a Learns as a Lifestyle session in this training under the “New Capacity”

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Talent Doesn’t Equal Character

“Remember, when you select someone, talent doesn’t equal character. Their character will ultimately determine whether their talent is usable.” (Dr. Henry Cloud) Check out the

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Chess not Checkers

The following guest post is by Terry Morgan. Her blog is MaturitasCafe.com. She writes about learning and leadership in an authentic, warm, honest and challenging way.

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