Centro de aprendizaje


Let’s face it – learning can be hard work (and a bit dull) sometimes. That’s why we’ve developed new ways for you to engage with some of our tried-and-tested resources like Your First 100 Days in LDHR, as well as designed new ways to help you grow in your LDHR leadership and thinking.

But we’re not here only to help Leadership Development and HR professionals. We’ve also partnered with a global design team to create courses on new mindsets and behaviours all movement leaders want to grow in.

All of these courses are available for free to leaders inside and outside the CCCI/Cru family, so have a look and start a new developmental journey today. 

New Courses!

31 Days of Unhurried Living

Begin your process of life change with encouragement, reflection opportunities, and tips for unhurried living.

Cuidado de Staff

Our mission members are valuable and essential resources for the ministry. How can we care for them well?

Mindsets and Behaviors

Conversaciones Cruciales

Tenemos conversaciones cruciales todos los días y esas interacciones son importantes. Impactan nuestra unidad y nuestra misión.

Trabajando en red

Networks are everywhere. They are not new. Learn to work together in networks to help reach those who do not know Jesus.  

Empowering Others (Empoderar a otros)

Learn how to build a culture of empowering leadership that releases the best in people for God’s kingdom work.

Intercultural Leadership (Liderazgo intercultural)

Let’s embrace God’s design in diversity and learn to work well together, leading with curiosity and humility, reflecting His unity.  

Growth and Development

Tus primeros 100 días en LDHR

Accelerate the mission as you build competence and confidence in the first days of your LDHR adventure.

Development Pathways

Choose the learning modules that are most relevant and helpful to you and design your personal learning path.

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