새로운 리더십 단계에서의 태도와 기술 전환

Entering a new role means moving into a new “gear” – shifting from a prior way of operating to a new way. We have a resource available for you to prepare your leaders for new roles.  For several years, we have been helping leaders implement a Leadership Pipeline Process (LPP) in their countries. An effective […]

새로운 리더십 단계에서의 태도와 기술 전환 더 읽기

New Staff Training and Volunteers for the Great Commission

How can we recruit and train more people to be involved in the Great Commission? During the Global Leadership Conference (GLC) this past summer, the LDHR leaders identified key SHIFTS we need to make to achieve our 2020 goal of 10 million multiplying disciples. The first two of those SHIFTS are greater spiritual dependence and a volunteer friendly

New Staff Training and Volunteers for the Great Commission 더 읽기

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