Resultados y mayordomía

RESULTS establish the categories for evaluating our effectiveness.

Our vision is Movements Everywhere and the Local Movement Indicators represent essential faith actions and fruit that we are looking for to measure our progress toward our vision. At other levels of the organization, there are different measures according to the stewardship of that level of the organization.

  • Recursos adicionales

Why Measure?

Results Categories to Address

The University of Oklahoma Case Study

Three Critical Reasons Why We Measure Ministry? video by Steve Douglass

Una mayordomía STEWARDSHIP (Matthew 25) implies both good management and capacity growth for the future.

Our under-girding assumption is that we as leaders, and in particular as organizational leaders, are stewards of all that is entrusted to us: our calling and direction, people, finances, technology, property, time and talents.

          The Steward Leader – Tim Keller

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