
여기 COACH builds the team to fulfill the mission.

In the Coach Role, the leader builds the team, ensures that the right person is doing the right job, creates an environment for growth, and coaches individual team members for growth and effectiveness for the mission, using coaching skills and processes.

  • Article(s) 

효과적인 코칭

How Jesus Developed People

팀원 유형

팀원 유형표

코칭 브릿지(Coaching Bridge)

Coaching Bridge (back-questions)

“Coach”의 2개의 댓글

  1. I have clicked on the links here for the coaching bridge front and back and nothing comes up. How can I look at this?

Paul Cheesman에게 댓글 남기기 댓글 취소

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이 사이트는 스팸을 줄이는 아키스밋을 사용합니다. 댓글이 어떻게 처리되는지 알아보십시오.

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