Welcome from Andrea

Greetings, brothers and sisters, beloved coworkers!

On behalf of the Global LDHR team, I am happy to welcome you to the Members’ Area of LDHR.org. The idea for this part of the website has been in the works for a long time. The brainchild of Paul Cheesman, we hope it will be a place where those of us who work in the LDHR function within Cru, or CCC (and all its other names at the national level), will find a community to share needs and information in a more secure way.

We hope that you will contribute your experience and expertise to those sharing needs and that you will find like-minded and competent leaders to share their experience and expertise with you.

We pray that we will become a community of leaders who are willing and able to serve one another for the sake of the Kingdom and fulfillment of the Great Commission – a peer-to-peer resourcing community, partnering together so that Jesus is lifted up in every place and our staff are people of character, competence, and confidence in the Lord.

Welcome! Let’s have some fun together as we live out our responsibilities.

Andrea Buczynski serves as the Global Vice President for Leadership Development and HR. She came to Christ in her first year of university studies through the witness of her next-door neighbor sharing the Four Spiritual Laws. During her 45 years on staff, she has served in SLM in local, national, and global roles before serving in LDHR. She loves seeing our staff members grow into their God-given potential as we work together to offer the good news of Jesus to those who don’t yet know Him.

“Welcome from Andrea”의 2개의 댓글

  1. I really appreciate ldhr.org as an open resource for everyone. But I was also hoping to have an “exclusive” community of Cru LDHR practitioners… it’s great to have this corner in the website in addition to Workplace. Thank you very much!

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