Leaders are Readers!

Photo credit: .brioso. / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA
Photo credit: .brioso. / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA

One key characteristic of healthy and fruitful leaders is life-long learning. We have a Learns as a Lifestyle session in this training under the “New Capacity” tab.
One of the best ways to learn is to read. You can read on the train, under a shade tree, at a coffee shop, or on the beach. You may prefer to read on a Kindle or iPad, flip the pages of a well-worn book, or skim short, but powerful blog posts on-line. No matter your preferences, reading will keep you learning and growing as a new leader.
I am going to share a few of my favorite books and blogs that I have read, to get this discussion started, but I would really appreciate it if you would add your favorites in the comments below. That way we can learn from each other!
Some of my favorite leadership books:

Some of my favorite leadership blogs:

Ok, these are my short lists. They will get you started, but I look forward to seeing what others add. Please also include a short description or why you recommend the book.
What do you think new leaders should read?



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