Design Team

We suggest you choose a Design Team for your training event.  The Design Team for your Trainers Training can meet together face-to-face, virtually, or use a combination of both.
Some Design Teams have included LDHR leaders more than one geographical Area; this diversity brought together many perspectives, great experience, and varied skills and strengths. It is a blessing and a privilege to partner together – and fun too!
There is great synergy in teamwork!

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We highly suggest working with a team to plan your training event. It is an excellent way to practice and model shared leadership, learning environment and a coaching culture!
As a Design Team, you can pray together regularly, decide on the themes for the training event, create the schedule, and assign facilitators for each main training session and responsible persons for each task (prayer, logistics, communication, tour day, etc).
A key component is to commit to practicing what you will teach. Before one training, in the spirit of humility and learning community, the Design Team shared their PowerPoint presentations and talk outlines with each other, prior to the event, for feedback and suggestions. They coached each other to be better. That greatly improved the quality of the training event.
When participants use more than one language, provide time in the preparation of materials and the session presentations for translation.
At the end of each day during the event, plan to meet together with your Design Team to review, evaluate, make adjustments, and pray for the participants and the next day’s activities.

Now read about Key Objectives >>>


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