
Network Examples

Here are some varied examples of networks that have been fruitful for meeting specific ministry needs. We notice that some networks operate for only a short time; others continue for years. Many networks are smaller and informal; others are more developed and even have web pages (see blue links).  CRESCENDO began informally in 1985 with […]

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Project Management Tools

Using a project management tool can help keep us organized when collaborating with others.  Here is a sampling of tools that can be helpful for network collaboration, especially as the network grows. G-Suite (Google Tools) allows users to store files in the cloud on Google’s servers, synchronize files across devices, and share files. Google Drive

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Reflect and Review

“In nature, everything works in collaboration. There are hummingbirds and flowers that are in such deep coordination they need each other for survival. How vibrant and alive and successful could our movement be if we moved with such coordination and collaboration. Karissa Lewis, Community Organizer Congratulations! You made it to the end of the Networks

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Questions to ask

Many networks will spontaneously grow as people connect to face a challenge or meet a need. Other networks form intentionally. Here are some great questions to ask when considering starting a network. What is the vision for this network? Needs it will meet? Benefits it will offer? Who will launch it? An individual, affinity group,

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Reflect and Review

Organizations designed as constellations are dynamic and flexible networks of distinct yet interwoven individuals. Each member of the team feels like a singular star and is also connected to others to form something greater. Matthew Barzun, The Power of Giving Away Power **Use these questions to reflect on your learning so far. No one besides

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Reflect and Review

Prayer is the Christian’s secret sauce for healthy network growth and practices… Prayer refocuses us on God’s potential to act and on God’s presence among us. It draws us together. Effective network leaders will employ prayer to knit a network together and speak peace into unreconciled places and people. David Hackett, visionSynergy In this lesson,

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Network Barriers

In this video, Cheryl Boyd shares four essential elements for networks. The lack of each of these elements is a barrier to networks. Watch and see if you can remember the four crucial elements she mentions. Did you catch these important elements? Networks need:  Purpose – clarity for relevance related to the mission People

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Communication Platforms

What do you think? How do you prefer to connect with others? What platforms for communications have you used? What do you value most when communicating ideas with others? How could you discover which platforms would work best for your network? Carril Thomas referred to communication platforms in the video. Flip through the slides

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Head. Heart. Hands.

Beat mentioned various skills and heart posture that contribute to fruitful work in a network. We can group the competencies needed for networks into head (ways to think and things to know), heart (attitudes and character), and hand (practical how-to) categories. Flip the boxes to learn more. What other necessary skills come to mind when

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Offer and Receive

Networks are specifically designed to reflect a broader view. We intentionally connect with people who are outside of our local scope. This means deliberately seeking out those who work in other regions of the world. It often means involving those from differing strategies, with diverse skills and gifting, with varied backgrounds, perspectives, and opinions. When

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Stronger Together

The conviction that we are stronger together than alone is essential for networks to function. Typical graduation commencement speeches focus on topics like: Change the world Listen to your inner voice Work hard Don’t give up Embrace failure Do you notice anything in common with these themes? They speak primarily to a singular person. We

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Radical Shifts

These are some of the new mindsets that support networks as a powerful option for us. We believe these will help us develop the kind of leadership community we need for today’s mission work. less fear culture and more freedom culture less independence and more interdependence less controlling leadership and more “less is more“ less

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Reflect and Review

Take some time now to reflect on the questions below. You can save your thoughts in the “Take Notes” area or wherever you prefer. Then discuss your answers with your small group and learn from each other’s understanding and experience. What do you think? What are some keywords that describe networks for you? What types

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Network elements

Many networks will grow spontaneously from interdependent interactions as people connect to face a challenge or meet a need. Other networks form intentionally. Here are some of the elements to think about when considering whether to start a network: Who will launch it? An individual, affinity group, team, or other How will we let people

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Network Types

Another way to understand networks is to look at the different needs they meet. The following list is not all-inclusive, and most networks will fit into more than one category. There are many support options available through networks. Considering these options will help us define the purpose for our network.   Listen as Stefan Dell talks

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A network is not…

Sometimes we better understand what something is by looking at what it is not. There are many different kinds of collaborative work communities that are not networks. Here are a few examples of other ways we work together: TeamsTeams are groups of people who embrace a common purpose, language, values, norms, and working principles to

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What are the benefits?

We surveyed network practitioners about the benefits of networks. Watch for the personal and organizational benefits that would be most helpful to you. What do you think? Which of these benefits resonate with you? Which of the benefits would be helpful in your ministry or work area?

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Why are they important?

Listen to some who have had experience with networks. How have networks been important to them? What do you think? What reasons for networks did you hear in the video? Which of these reasons motivate you to consider working through networks?  Where can you imagine people working in networks to close a missional gap?

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Where are we headed?

Collaborative, interdependent efforts are a powerful force for the Gospel in our rapidly-changing VUCA world. This course will build your competence and confidence in working through networks to fill missional gaps.  In this course, we will define networks for our context learn basic terminology highlight benefits of working through networks develop mindsets needed for fruitful

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How will we learn?

This course is best when worked through in community – with a team or small group, but you can also study the lessons independently. You can view the basic course content quickly in approximately 45 minutes or so. However, you will likely want to invest more time in personal reflection, interactions with others, and planning

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