Simplifying Organizational Life with Elegant Processes
LDHR creates organizational systems and excellent processes that empower staff and accelerate the mission by increasing effectiveness, maintaining standards
and complying with national laws.
Selecting the right leaders for the mission
As a result of the Leadership Pipeline Process, you have a pool of potential leaders, but how do you select the right people for the vital leadership roles? The Leadership Selection Process provides a transparent and clear process for considering, screening and selecting suitable candidates in a way that is honoring and effective.

Helping newly appointed leaders transition well
The Leader Transition Process helps the new leader prepare for the transition stress, experience a fruitful leadership transition, and function effectively in the new leadership role.
Whether we embrace it or try to avoid it, conflict is part of team life. The way we deal with a situation can be the determining factor whether it becomes a growth point for a team member or a destructive spark for both the team member and the team around them.

Introducing you to foundational tools of LDHR
Staff Standards
This "Your First 100 Days in LDHR" session articulates what it takes to be a staff member with CCCI
Mindset and Skill Shifts for New Levels of Leadership
A tool to help develop new local and national level leaders for Beyond 2020
The Purpose and Practice of Policy
This "Your First 100 Days in LDHR" session explains the reasons we have policies and how to write them well