Intercultural Leadership

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We’re glad to have you here.

Working with people from different cultural backgrounds is challenging, rewarding, and a common occurrence for us in our virtually connected, distributed teams, global ministry. You may have a lot of varied cultural experiences, or you may be entering a new adventure in a new role. You may be leading an intercultural team or contributing as a team member. Regardless of our background, we can all grow in understanding intercultural leadership and develop our intercultural skills as a team. 

This course is more than an intellectual exercise. It will affect our hearts and actions also. Dedicate time to engage with the content fully – watch the videos, reflect deeply on the questions, practice with the tools, and interact with others over the case studies. (This course is longer than the other Mindset and Behavior courses. It is beautiful, practical, and inspiring – worth your time investment.)

**This is a new course. We’d appreciate your feedback. Please plan to leave your comments at the end of the course.

As we trust God to work in us through the content of this course, it can transform us. As we grow, our intercultural teams will yield abundant fruit for God’s kingdom and reflect His glory.

Let’s begin!

**First time here? Click on the yellow “Login” button. (Then log in with Okta or create an account if needed.) Click on “Let’s get started” to begin the first lesson. 

Wenn du später wieder zu dem Kurs zurückkommst, siehst du einen gelben "Den Kurs machen"-Button.

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A Biblical Foundation
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Mindsets and Tools
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Navigating Cultural Power
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