How to understand and use our key LDHR Tools and Processes

I receive great joy when I can come alongside a National Ministry team to help them to be more effective in caring for and developing their staff. Recently, I had an opportunity to serve the Leadership Development Department of Korea Campus Crusade for Christ.

My friend Yujin Kim, director of the newly formed Leadership Development Department for KCCC (responsible for developing and coaching staff from NST graduation to seven years on staff), invited me to facilitate an “LDHR Learning Lab” for his team (half of which were new to an LDHR role). He wanted them to understand and use our key LDHR tools and processes. As planning continued, we decided on four three-hour sessions (including translation).

Each session presented a practical LDHR tool and process:

Although the Learning Lab was designed primarily for the Leadership Development Department, other staff were invited to join, and we were encouraged to have up to 23 KCCC staff during the sessions. The participants asked good questions and were very engaged in the discussions. We closed each session in small groups discussing how to practically implement the processes and use the tools in the Korean ministry context.

After the last session, we met with the LD team to debrief. One team member had shared the tools and resources with someone who serves another organization and church, and he was very impressed. She said, “I am so proud that our organization has created such wonderful resources!”

How can we assist you with the LDHR needs in your country? If you have joined the new Members Area, you can find more information and request help in the “Need Help?” area. Or you can email your request to

Dennis Metcalf is married to Trinidad (Dang), and they have two adult children and three joy-giving grandchildren. He has served in LDHR at the area level (East Asia Area LDHR team leader) and the global level (Global HR team and now on the VP LDHR team) for over 20 years.

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