
 Welcome! We’re so glad you are here!

We hope this site will serve you! The materials are designed specifically for new local-level team leaders 和 those who help train those new leaders, but can be helpful for any leader who would like a refresher or update for his or her job.
The links on this site will take you to materials stored on the Google Drive that you can view, download, and edit as you need.

These resources will help you get started!

  • You will find helpful training philosophy, perspective, and process information in the GUIDEBOOK about this Team Leader Training. It will also be helpful if you are planning your own team leader training program.


A great variety of interactive, adult-learning style sessions are included in the training. You will find the sessions under the New Relationships, New Work, New Influence, and New Capacity tabs.

  • Each session contains an 綜覽 which is the training facilitator’s guide for the session, and is most helpful when read first. Each session may also contain some of these other materials: PowerPoint/Google Slides presentation, participant notes for the team leaders, and/or further learning resources.
  • 也提供一份 SESSIONS LAYOUT 和 SUGGESTED SEQUENCE are provided, so that you will know at a glance what sessions are available and which sessions should be presented before others.

(You can click here if you would like to view the original 成果 that are the basis for this training. Also, if you prefer to organize your training using the Spiritual, Self, and Strategic Leadership outcome categories instead of the “New” categories shown on this site, please click here for an Index of the topics organized by those categories.)


We strongly suggest that training include pre-event preparation and after-event coaching in order to increase learning and life-change. These pre-event materials help prepare a new leader to identify learning needs:


These four topics set the stage for the heart of the Leader and the key changes that take place in the transition from team member to new team leader. They also look at the overview framework for CCC leadership and tie it all together around movement building. They should be scheduled as the first sessions of the training.

(You can download Google Slides version of this presentation with facilitator notes HERE.)

And a look at the Job Description for a new team leader

3. 領袖的架構簡介 session overview

PowerPoint: 領袖的架構簡介

Participant Notes: Blank Leadership Framework diagram

Further Learning Folder:

領袖的架構簡介 文章

Leadership Framework website

4. 帶領運動的建立

運動的建立 PowerPoint and 怎樣開始一個運動 影片

Further Learning Folder:

團隊領袖如何加強和建立運動 文章

A Faith that Multiplies 文章


We are convinced that training does not end on the last day of an event. Training ends when the new attitude, information, or skill has been applied and life transformation has taken place.

  • For that reason, we have included Action Points with Coaching on almost every session. New Leaders are encouraged to record the lessons learned and their choice of action steps on the Action Points Summary page for follow through and continued progress after the training event.
  • New Team Leaders should have a coach – or a few coaches – to help with encouragement, input, and accountability in the weeks and months following the training.

It is a great privilege to invest in leadership development by coaching new leaders. It is strongly recommended that the new leader’s immediate supervisor commit to acting as a coach for the new team leader.

To get you started, check out this easy to implement Coaching Guide!

Next, let’s take a look at the 新關係 of a new leader >>>

 Feel free to look around further and leave comments or questions!

在〈Getting Started〉中有 2 則留言

  1. If we carefully implement this at every stage of a staff life, it will take our present and future leaders to an unimaginable height of leadership.

Lepan Tyoden 發表迴響 取消回覆

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