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Growing in self-awareness can have a big impact on our conversations. Our self-awareness affects how we express ourselves, which affects our interpersonal relationships. Let’s review the self-awareness we gained by learning about these influences at work in our conversations.

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Наступні кроки

Well done! We have finished the Crucial Conversations course content. We’ve viewed why crucial conversations are important, what we bring to each conversation and options we have for different types of conflict. We also looked at preparing well for a conversation, helpful things to remember during the conversation, and the importance of learning from our

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практичні ситуації - вислуховування обох сторін

CASE STUDIES Here are two case studies for further practice. You can use the project management example or the local ministry scenario (or both!). For each case study, you will read two stories to consider the conversations from differing perspectives. These will help you review your learning from the prior lessons. They are excellent to

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Знайти рішення

As the conversation comes to a close, it is important to settle on a RESOLUTION that reflects the increased understanding and commitment to value each person. To get to that resolution: Ensure both sides get to express their point of view Be creative – offer up different options that, ideally, meet the most important needs

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Підбирайте слова

Difficult conversations are difficult for a reason, and when we’re anxious or stressed out, it’s easy to say the wrong thing. Our best-laid plans will go to waste if we offend or anger the other person. When navigating a difficult conversation, it helps to WATCH OUR WORDS while keeping the other person’s feelings and opinions in

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Speak when you are angryand you will make the best speech you will ever regret. Ambrose Bierce Reflection Questions What is most difficult for me when preparing for a conversation? How could I prepare better, spiritually and emotionally, for a difficult conversation? Where could I get help if needed? What makes me comfortable for a

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Визначте тип конфлікту

DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONFLICT need different types of conversations. When we take time to evaluate the conflict we are facing, it also allows us to choose the best option for handling the situation.  Let’s look at a simple way to think about what kind of conflict we want to resolve. As a review, Task-oriented

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Вплив теперішнього

In addition to our past, influences in the PRESENT affect how we approach difficult conversations. Thought Patterns Our thought patterns cause people to move toward one of two directions when dealing with conflict. We generally act as an avoider or aggressor. This video demonstrates the two approaches. Neither style is completely positive or negative. Avoiders

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Вплив минулого

Much of our past shows up with us in our conversations and interactions with others. It can be very beneficial to consider our earlier teachings, context, and experiences with conflict when we prepare for a pending conversation. Self-awareness regarding our CULTURE, FAMILY, AND PAST EXPERIENCES is an essential element of crucial conversations. luemen-rutkowski-ZWbBxZ6zTwM-unsplash As you think

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Уникання цих розмов дорого коштуватиме

We can be tempted to think that avoiding a crucial conversation will be the easier way out. However, ignoring issues rarely makes them better. In fact, it will often make the situation worse. When differences or conflicts are not resolved, friction can negatively affect our relationships and our mission. For example, expectations that are not

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Це невідʼємна частина наших взаємовідносин

Communication is key to healthy relationships. We experience crucial conversations every day—those interactions matter. We can’t have a healthy relationship without crucial conversations.  Crucial /ˈkro͞oSHəl/ (adjective) = pivotal, significant, critical, decisive, vital, consequential There are various types of crucial conversations; not all crucial conversations are highly emotionally charged. Crucial conversations can generate creative ideas, build

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