
Предоставление свободы и передача ответственности

We’ve looked at the foundations of identity and relationships in the last two lessons.  Now, we will look at the third foundation – how the connections between freedom and responsibility must exist for empowerment to occur. There can be no responsibility without a degree of freedom. Conversely, there is no such thing as freedom without

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Как мы наделяем других силой во взаимоотношениях

We’ve seen how our identity in Christ enables us to empower others. Empowering others also requires special attention to how we interact with others.  Here are five principles about what is needed when we want to empower in our relationships.  It takes time to empower others. Empowering others means letting people try new things… and

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Правильное самовосприятие - важная предпосылка лидерства, наделяющего силой

Our identity describes how we see or experience ourselves. It answers the question, “Who am I?”  We are complex and integrated beings. Our personality, past experiences, and interactions with others strongly influence our identity. Then, our identity affects our emotions, how we perceive situations and others, and how we act.  For that reason, as leaders,

Правильное самовосприятие - важная предпосылка лидерства, наделяющего силой Read More »

Роль культурных отличий в лидерстве, наделяющем силой

This lesson will now look at the fourth foundation for empowering others – culture. Culture has numerous definitions. Some of the most relevant to our discussion include: cul·ture (noun) /ˈkəlCHər/ the beliefs, values, norms, customs or way of life, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time a way of thinking, behaving, or

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Fear to Freedom

One of the mindset shifts we want to make as leaders is to lead less from a fear-based culture and lead more with a freedom-based culture. Fears can cause us to lead by control and focus on protection from failure. Freedom encourages us to look for opportunities and options, and take risks, and allows others to do

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For the best learning experience, we strongly recommend working through this course in community, with a team or small group, but you can also study the lessons independently. You can skim through the basic course content in approximately 45 minutes. However, you will want to invest more time in personal reflection, interactions with others, and

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